Notre Dame

In July 2004, we visited Paris. 

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Sunday morning, our first stop was the Cathedral of Notre Dame.


One of the rose windows. (456kb)


The other rose window.  (447kb) A long, multi-panel fresco where Jesus appears to Mary Magdelene and to his disciples.  For forty days he shares the Word of God with them, and then he departs. (227kb)


Jesus appears to the Mary Magdelene. (135kb) Jesus appears to the three women. (158kb)


Jesus appears to ?? on the road.. (238kb)
Jesus in the upper room. (157kb) Jesus with all the disciples. (167kb)


Thomas puts his hand in Jesus's wounds. (247kb)
Jesus tells them to be fishers of men. (246kb) ???. (272kb) Jesus blesses the disciples before he departs. (267kb)


Info on the fresco. (44kb) . (242kb)


A view of Paris from the top of Notre Dame. (186kb) Some of the cool gargoyles atop Notre Dame. (190kb) Peter with the cool gargoyles.   (179kb)


Other cool gargoyles.  (212kb) Peter, hanging out with even more cool gargoyles.  (174kb)


A good picture showing the relative size of the gargoyles.  (190kb)
The spire with some cool statues. (283kb) Some last gargoyles. (183kb) Info on the bells of Notre Dame, especially related to Quasimodo.  (303kb)


Barely readable info on the Bourdon (great bell). (198kb) Peter in front of the Bourdon. (187kb)


Another shot of the Bourdon. (141kb)
Yet we climbed even higher and saw other cool gargoyles. (121kb)


More cool gargoyles. (172kb) Brian Murphy hanging out with some cool gargoyles. (184kb)
Looking straight down from the top of Notre Dame.  (183kb) Peter at the entrance to to top of Notre Dame. (252kb)


Peter at the very tip top of Notre Dame. (165kb)


A view of some decorated part of the cathedral. (243kb)


The spire at the back of the cathedral. (260kb)


A closeup shot of the statues. (248kb)
Looking off the top of Notre Dame down to the River Ile. (233kb)


The front of Notre Dame. (244kb)



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