'Pilgrimage to Rome' 2005

In November 2005, I went to an SCA event in Florida (with my apprentice).  The event theme was a pilgrimage to Rome in 1300 AD. 

In February 1300, Pope Boniface VIII proclaimed the granting of plenary indulgences for pilgrims who visited the apostles tombs in Rome.

These are the Vorpal Bunny's adventures on his pilgrimage to the seven pilgrimage churches.

Each of these thumbnails here are a link to the large photo. 

The church of San Giovanni in Laterano (Saint John's at the Lateran), site of the cathedral of Rome, and having the rod of Aaron, fragments of the five loaves and two fishes, the heads of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and the Uronica (an image of Christ painted by Saint Luke). (195kb)


The church of Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary Major) built on the site of a miraculous August snowfall. (220kb) The church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (Holy Cross in Jerusalem) which has holy soil from Calvary, which you can just see at the bottom of the picture.  (318kb)


The church of San Sebastiano (Saint Sebastian), a Christian soldier in the praetorian guard.  He was sentenced to death and shot by archers of his own company.  He was nursed back to health by the pious matron Irene, only to be resentenced and beaten to death.  (326kb)


The entrance to the catacombs of Saint Sebastian, where the remains of Saint Peter and Saint Paul were once kept.  (195kb) The bones of a saint inside the catacombs.   The vorpal bunny isn't scared of dead bodies, and I think he bunny was looking for toe or knuckle bone he could nick and sell as a relic. (177kb)
The church of San Paolo Fuori Le Mura (Saint Pauls Outside the Walls).  Since Paul inherited Roman citizenship from his father, he was beheaded rather than crucified, and the church was built of the site of his grave memorial. (229kb)


The church of San Lorenzo Fuori Le Mura (Saint Lawrence Outside the Walls).  Saint Lawrence was tortured and martyred, allegedly being roasted on the gridiron there in the church.  (311kb) The last church in the pilgrimage is the church of San Pietro in Vaticano (Saint Peter's at the Vatican), where the pope hangs out (since he moved there in 1378).  The vorpal wanted to go check out all the pretty things on the altar. (376kb)


  The vorpal bunny is so slick!  He cuddled up to the pope and got him to read a passage in Latin from the Gospel of John.  (246kb)  

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