Testing a Brew

Inter Kingdom Brewers Guild information correction


This form can be used for submitting corrections to the IKBG database.

Fields marked in bold are mandatory. This form is just one way of sending corrections.  If you feel uncomfortable sending corrections this way, please feel free to send an e-mail to the IKBG Guildmaster.

Information about you:
Your full name:
Your SCA name:
Your e-mail:

Correction information you are submitting:  (You only need to fill out the fields that need correcting)

Please be careful with the characters that you use. Most special characters are not allowed. If you need to use an apostrophe ( ' ), please ONLY use this one ( “ ), which you get by ALT-0180 (Hold down ALT and press 0180).

SCA Name Correction

SCA Name as listed in the IKBG database: 
Correct SCA Name:

Email submission/correction

Email address:
I explicitly give permission for my email to be displayed
 with my SCA name on the web:  
Yes, I give permission to display my email on the web 
No, my email may only be used by database administrators
       to send me competition reports

Kingdom Correction

Kingdom you should be listed under: 

Modern Name submission/correction

Modern First Name:
Modern Last Name:
Is this a NEW name, a name change or 
just a spelling correction for an existing name?

(If a name change, then the old name will be 
replaced with this one.) 
  New Name submission (because it's not in the database)
  Name change (due to marriage, etc) 
  Spelling Correction 

Competition Info Correction / Submission

Event name and Year:
(Please use Gregorian year, not AS year)
Category of Entry: 
Score received: 
Is this a NEW entry (that is not in the database) 
or just a correction for an existing entry? 
New Entry  Info Correction 

Any other information or details
that could not be entered above?